Kelly, below is a quick outline for a statement to go along with our Sibling Revelry project. Let me know what you think.
Sibling Revelry Statement
1. Intro
a. Background
i. Collaboration
ii. Inspiration from multiple sources on the internet
b. Themes
i. Layers, multiple images
ii. Small format
iii. Contrasting the beauty of details with the beauty of color fields and abstraction.
2. Who
a. Who are Kelly and Colin
i. Brother and sister, lifetime of collaboration
ii. Students, multiple experiences, multiple interests feed work and philosophy
1. BFA, watercolor, painting, metals
2. Masters in art therapy and education
3. JD, trial practice institute, i.p., LL.M., banking and financial law.
3. Goal
a. Collection of work
i. Show
ii. Book
1. Half book is the finished work with commentary, and half is the process, blog excerpts
b. Learning Experience
c. Cohesive manifesto
4. Conclusion
a. Where we are in the process
b. When will we know when we are finished
i. June 20, 2008
ii. 100 polished pieces
For some reason the different sections were not indented, but I am sure you still get the general idea.