Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hand made stamps with yarn


  1. This was a brilliant idea, I love it! I wanted to follow your blog but you don't have the follow button?? Just follow by email?


  2. Those are really cool stamps!

  3. thanks Jai! yes, just follow through email for now - I've tried to set it up for rss feed but I guess that's not working... Kelly

  4. how did you make them?

    1. Hi Hannah - it is so easy! For the stamp with the lines I just wrapped yarn around a block of wood and for the other one I used a swatch of knitting and wrapped it around a block of wood and stapled it on the other side. I used acrylic paint to do the stamping. Are you going to try it?

  5. Hey Kelly, i love the knitted swatch stamp and attempted to stamp on a muslin with poor results. the print wasn't defined enough. i used watery fabric spray paint. do you think this could have been the issue? i would like to use this technique on t shirts. thx

    1. Hi Cheryl - your results were probably from the spray fabric paint - also, if you used yarn to make your stamp the liquid fabric paint may have been soaked up into the yarn. My stamps worked better after a few uses because the yarn was no longer soaking up the paint - then dried and become a stiffer stamp.
      You could also try printmaking paint that you can get from a craft supply store to print your own t-shirts. :)


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